Apply Online
Doug Fesler was a gifted songwriter who wrote over 80 songs. The last songs he recorded are included on this page to share his gift, and to be used as part of the application process. Listen to the songs listed and choose the one that moved or inspired you the most.
STEP 1 - Listen and Choose a Song
01 Copperhead Jack and Maggie
02 This Time
03 Miss Smart
04 I Got Song
05 Uncle Alibi
06 Sweet Savanah's Wine
07 Bettin' Man
08 Diamonds
09 It's Love
10 Lola from Nola
11 Muddy Waters
12 Underneath the Moon
STEP 2 - Complete Application Form
You can download the application here or complete the application below. Applications are due by May 8 the year of each school.